6th MILE STONE, GOHANA ROAD, ROHTAK Haryana 124001 India
+91 9254310008

About Us

About Us

The Sanskriti School is built on a 7 acre plot with 3 acre already developed. The building is earthquake resistant and class rooms are built according to CBSE specifications of size, air circulation and fire safety. The school has a conference hall, staff room and also an administrative block. The school has been enclosed by high walls to provide safety to the children. There are sufficient entry and exit points and ample parking space.
The school plans to keep the students close to Mother Nature by holding outdoor classes regularly. The luscious lawns with beautiful flowers and lots of swings make an ideal playground for the children.
The School has an Infirmary and an in house doctor who will look after the medical needs including annual vaccinations of the students. Provisions for continuous safe drinking water and clean toilets have been made.


The school is a close-knit, almost self-sufficient community with an ideal environment and a faculty dedicated to turn out young gentlemen and ladies with a well-developed personality and prepared to contribute positively to society, nation and the world.

Affiliation and Examination

The School is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (Aff. No. 530428), New Delhi and prepares the students for All India School Examination. The medium of instruction is English.


Nursery and K.G


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