6th MILE STONE, GOHANA ROAD, ROHTAK Haryana 124001 India
+91 9254310008


Library and its rules to Observe

1. Library facility is available to all the students during the school time.
2. Each book is issued for a period of three days.
3. Students are responsible for the safe custody of the books kept by them.
4. Only one book is issued at a time to a student.
5. A fine of rs. 2/- per day will be charged if the book is not returned after a period of three days.
6. If any book is lost or damaged it shall have to be replaced by the student or the prevalent cost of the book will be charged.
7. Writing of anything or drawing of any figure on the library book is strictly prohibited.
8. It is compulsory for the students to deposit the library books before the commencement of the summer and winter vacations.
9. Newspapers/magazines/Reference books will not be issued.